Food Collection Partners
Businesses, schools, youth groups and local organizations have joined us to host collections of food, paper products and other specialty items to improve the lives of people in need in their local communities.
All Souls Anglican Wheaton
Dave Anderson
Stan Anderson
Linda Assise
Leah Bardfield
Bob Barrett Private Garden
Sarah Bauer
Thrivent/Andrew Bergmann
Best Buddy Pre-School
Bower Elementary
Boy Scouts Troop 99
Theresa Bull
Campbell Soups
Cantera Appartments
Caputo's Addison
Caputo's Carol Stream
Carol Stream Elementary
Carol Stream Library
Carol Stream Rotary
Cassidy Tires
Central DuPage Hospital Nurses
City of Warrenville
Colleen's Confections
Community Baptist Church Warrenville
Community Family Health
Community Fellowship Church West Chicago
Corpus Christi Church
Steve & Dawn Daluge
Chris Davies
Cecilia Desarden
DuPage County Senior Center
DuPage Fair Association
DuPage Realtors
Dynamic Professional Women's Network
Mark Egner
Tony Esposto
Faith Covenant Church
Fanella Family
Ficarella Dentistry
First United Methodist Church WC
Frain Industries
Franciscan Sisters
Jan Froelich
Get Fresh Produce
Glenbard North High School
Grace Chapel
Kathy Hannon
Hawk Hollow Elementary
Joan Helenka
Lois Herbig
Heritage Presbyterian
Mary Hopper
Immanuel Presbyterian
Imperial Foods
Ingram Micro
Carol Jahn
Jay Stream School
Jeanne Ives Food Drive
Tom and Karen Jensen
Kaival Gyan Mandir Temple
Heather Kalke
Ron Kapraun
Chris Kirby
Scott Krall
La Preferida Co
Mike Lebert
Patricia Lind
Lutheran Church of the Master
Cheryl Mapes
Martinez Family
Lorie McCord
Amy McLear
Isabel Mendez
Alyssa Miller
Lorna Miressi
Monarch Landing
Katie O'Connell
Our Masters Pre-School
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Chandrika Patel
MrsNancy & John Petrik
John Pettey
John Pettey
Quest Company
Resurrection Catholic Church
Barb Rice
Rich & Barb Schaar
Janet Schurman
Denise Smith
St. Andrew UMC - WC
St. Francis Hign School
St. Irene Catholic Church
St. Isidore Catholic Church
St. Michael UCC - WC
State Bank West Chicago
Lois Stenstrom
Stratford Crossings
Irene Thomas
Trader Joes Batavia
Trinity Lutheran Roselle
Trinity Lutheran Warrenville
Tri-Town YMCA
Sandy Vedrine
Village of Carol Stream
John Vogel
Warrenville American Legion
Warrenville Bible Chapel
Warrenville Bible Chapel Advent Sharing
Warrenville Cub Scout Pack 68
Warrenville Girl Scouts
Warrenville VFW
Warrenville Youth & Family Services
Wayne Township
Wellspring Garden
West Chicago Library
Patricia Wheaton
Wheaton Bible Church
Wheaton Food Co-Op
Winfield Township Offices
Wodzinski Family

Cassidy Tires offered a discount on tires for donations of food to our pantries!
We are one of several beneficiaries of the Village of Carol Stream’s annual food drive.